SCR - The Supplier Capability Review
It is common to select suppliers using the traditional Technical Bid + Commercial Bid.
The bidders present their proposals in separate sealed packages and the buyer applies a formula to “quantify” each bid.
A weighting is normally applied to the technical and commercial components of each bid to aggregate to a numerical winner.
Such processes can be lengthy and extremely complex.
One of the major difficulties for companies is in the assignment of a numerical value to a bid and the respective weightings. This can be difficult when the bidders do not offer exactly the same specifications .
This is especially true for service contracts.
The SCR – Supplier Capability Review – introduces a third element to the selection process.
The SCR is an in-depth and in-house review of the key quality processes of a supplier.
Such processes (meaning how they do it!) may include such areas as Customer Satisfaction,
Product quality, or how they manage their people.
The review is normally undertaken by a qualified multi-disciplinary evaluation team from the customer.
The quantified evaluation of the supplier’s key processes provides a non-subjective and more robust
set of criteria to assist in the supplier selection beyond the technical and commercial bids.
In a real-life multi-million dollar service tender example, the tender team, having not previously used the SCR methodology, initially placed 60% weighting on the technical bids, 30% on the commercial bids and 10% on the SCR. The tender process was completed and the contract was duly awarded.
However, after experiencing the SCR, the tender team decided that for future tenders, they would
place 10% on the Technical Bids, 20% on the Commercial bids and 70% on the SCR!
They concluded that the Technical bids were 90% cut-and-paste.
That’s how powerful the SCR is.
The SCR can also form the base-line for a supplier development program.