TCO - Total Cost of Ownership

TCO - Total Cost of Ownership

The acquisition and employment of all materials and services in an enterprise involves direct costs plus other  associated (and often hidden) costs. The quantification and sum of all these costs through the life-cycle is the TCO - Total Cost of Ownership.
Similarly known as Total Acquisition Cost, or Total Life-cycle Cost, the understanding and quantification of all these costs is  essential to any  real cost reduction initiative. 

This is particularly important not only for operations, but also the purchasing and procurement function. 

I can help you with:
  • TCO Initiative definition / framing / strategy
  • Multi-disciplinary work-team participant selection
  • Assistance/Advisory on structuring/planning of events
  • TCO Work-Session methodologies 
  • Provision of direct independent facilitation for meetings and workshops
  • TCO Initiative development, follow-up and management
  • TCO Reduction projects – design, implementation and development
  • Basic TCO Training
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